Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hello 2010

To start off my blog of who knows what, I'd thought it be simple to begin with my goals for the new year. Goals usually don't end well for me, at least the ones I set at New Years. I make ones for school every time a new school year rolls around and cling to those like my life could end, or future fall to pieces. (A bit melodramatic I know, but I have the Hermione Granger Syndrome). However the second I make New Years Resolutions, I somehow forget about them in less three weeks. So this year if I write them for the world to see, or for my two older sisters, I will have to uphold myself to them.

Realistic Goals:
1. Prepare and earn a 30 on the ACT: If I begin with a school related one, perhaps this will be easier for me.
2. Have a more positive attitude about the negative aspects in life: Yes everyone needs a goal that fits the feel-good-about-yourself-when-your-done category. Plus my family had a Self-Help Meeting as Jaclyn called it about our 'Aha' moments this year...I decided that was mine.

The Maybe-if-I-Wish-Really-Hard Goals:
1. Learn Guitar: so far I have 4 chords down. Its been four hopes aren't too bright for this particular one, but I would love to be able to play.
2. Make varsity volleyball, Chamber Singers, and ASB in leadership: every well-rounded BYU dreaming individual has a list like this, right?

And off on a little tangent, what's my favorite part of the end of this decade? The fact that there has been no decreed name for passing decade. We have the 80s, we have the 90s, and now we have the 00s? Double 0s? Twenty Hundreds? I've got nothing, hopefully someone in the world has this whole predicament solved and sorted out. Until then, goodbye unnameable decade...hello future 10s.


  1. Yay, way to post. I am excited to follow and read about the fun things going on in your life, but that doesn't mean less phone calls. There already aren't enough. Love ya
